Jerome Bouvier


The Hero’s Journey; the common template of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed.” -Joseph Campbell

Jerome reveals the core beliefs and proven strategies that lead to his personal and professional transformation during his hero’s journey.


It’s not what happens to you. It’s how you respond to what happens to you.

Through storytelling, Jerome invites, challenges, and encourages people to look at lifestyle choices and realize how quickly we can be robbed of possibility, hopes, dreams, and possibly our lives. This presentation focuses on some very important life skills, including goal setting, overcoming obstacles and maintaining a positive attitude, as well as the importance of authoring a true story of self. Jerome believes “The most important tool for success, is the belief that you can succeed”, and that we are all Hero’s and Shero’s waiting to step out in the world. The power of the human spirit lies within ourselves. This presentation is powerful, riveting, and direct. With a combination of humor and passionate realism, Jerome shares with the audience his own story of personal struggles, and the journey of re-authoring the old story into the new story of triumphs.

In this presentation, Jerome shares the strategies that helped him discover the power within and overcome challenges, learn from them, and grow. He shares with audiences that wounds can be gifts, those gifts are new starting points in taking responsibility for the changes in our life.

  • Being one’s personal best, which includes challenging yourself and believing in yourself.
  • To do the best with what you have been given.
  • Recognizing the gifts that lie next to the wounds – or maybe the wounds are the gifts.
  • Welcoming change.
  • Most limits are self imposed.
  • Gain a new perspective on challenges that lie ahead.
  • Tapping into your creativity.
  • Having and setting goals.
  • Learning the ability to refocus.
  • Trusting in the power of the human spirit. 

The “HERO’S JOURNEY” is leaving one condition and finding the source of life to bring you forth into a richer more mature condition”…Joseph Campbell


Jerome has made countless presentations to school district Pro D’s, conferences, and private groups. He has numerous theme’s to choose from, each providing a unique look at how we work as professionals, and live in the world. Jerome shares his unique approaches to working with youth, and the impact his journey has had on how he works with youth.

  • Youth & Adult Relationship Building
  • Youth Street Trends
  • From the Street to the Classroom