Jerome Bouvier


UNBREAKABLE – The Power of the Human Spirit.

That’s the journey. That’s the voyage. That’s the expedition.

UNBREAKABLE is the story of one man’s journey to overcome such adversity. This is a story of determination, inspiration and hope. On a sunny afternoon on a Sacramento River, life seemed wonderful for a handsome 23-year old man waterskiing while high on cocaine. When the river curved, he went straight crashing into the rocks. The crash crushed his spine. Unbreakable is Jerome Bouvier’s personal journey of overcoming drug addiction as he faced living the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Bouvier turned tragedy into triumph and built a new life of service and gratitude, working with at-risk youth, and inspiring everyone he meets.

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“In my experience it is rare and truly inspirational when someone takes a crisis and uses it as the fuel to create a personal transformation. Jerome Bouvier uses his life-changing event to change others’ lives too. Many a youth has changed the direction of their life from moments spent with this man whose spirit and desire could not be broken.” -Ted Kuntz, Author: Peace Begins With Me.

Jerome, a terrific read!! You certainly kept me turning the pages. I don’t know if it was Andre going for the wheelchair or if it was when you looked into the 14 year old girls eyes …. I can tell you, I read them both with a heavy heart. It’s too bad you did not write the 14th chapter; I would have titled it “Sad but Sensational’. Keep your quest going and fly your flag with pride. You Jerome, defiantly are “unbreakable”. – Tracy Pratt, Vancouver Canucks Alumni

“Sometimes adversity happens to us because we are destined to become a part of something much greater than ourselves. That’s the story of Jerome.” – Danny Quintana, Author

Silly me… I’m a little teary.  Its just so good and  so necessary and each time I read it (this being over 10 freaking times now!  haha  I didn’t even read my own books this many times!!!)  But I hear my own voice, my own message.  I got out of the chair, but I still have my own things that show me the need to choose creativity – Pam Ellis.

An honest book by an honest man trying to make an honest difference in the lives of at-risk youth” – Rob Guzyk

“Before reading Unbreakable I’ve seen Jerome around and knew he ran ACCESS youth Outreach Services but didn’t know his story! Jerome has taken responsibility for his behavior as a youth and devoted his life to helping other youth in need! Unbreakable should be read by everyone to see how you can turn adversity to encouragement and success!” – Bill Dick, Owner Phoenix Truck and Crane